
No More “Double Chin”

What is Kybella™?

Kybella™ is the first and only FDA approved injectable drug that contours and improves the appearance of double chin or turkey neck without double chin surgery or chin liposuction.

How does it work?

Kybella™ targets excessive “submental” fat, commonly referred to as “double chin.” It is comprised of deoxycholic acid, a molecule that occurs naturally in the body and aids in the breakdown and absorption of fat. Once injected, Kybella™ destroys the fat cells present under the chin. The body then naturally removes the cells, and the treated areas are prevented from accumulating or storing fat in the future.

How long will the results last?

Kybella™ is a non-surgical alternative to getting rid of submental fat. After the aesthetic response is achieved (depending on the number of treatments required), retreatment with Kybella™ is not expected.

How many treatments are necessary?

Clients need between 1-5 treatments with average number being 3. We like to schedule appointments eight weeks apart.

How long does recovery take?

Because the procedure is minimally invasive, downtime is very limited. May experience mild discomfort during the procedure. After the procedure, you may experience minor and temporary side effects such as swelling, bruising, pain and numbness at the injection sites. You may experience a significant amount of swelling for the first 48 hours. Results usually become visible during the first month, with maximal results usually visible by the third month.

Who is a good candidate?

A good candidate has fat under their chin that they would like to remove without undergoing an invasive procedure. A consultation with an experienced physician will determine if Kybella™ can address your concerns. Kybella™ does not treat sagging skin or loss of tone under the chin.