
Microblading is a new and updated semi-permanent make-up technique. Through a manual process of inserting pigment into the upper layers of the skin, a desired fullness and shape of the eyebrows is created. As the pigment fades it leaves your skin and your natural brows exactly as they were. The results are very life-like, giving the brows a natural, fuller look.

What to expect during treatment

Our Microblading sessions include a thorough consultation and brow mapping to create the most flattering eyebrow design to enhance your natural facial features. A topical numbing agent is used to make you comfortable throughout the process. As each face is unique, timing varies, with the procedure typically lasting between 1 and 2 hours.

How long do results last?

Microblading lasts 18-24 months depending on your skin type. Results vary from person to person and a color refresh is recommended. During the touch-up, we’ll go over the same lines again and fill in any areas that may have faded since the initial procedure.

Microblading Aftercare

After the procedure the brows may be slightly swollen and the pigment will be at its darkest color. Some people may feel a bit sore in the treatment area once the numbing agent wears off. You will be given take home instructions to care for your new brows. It takes about a week for the color to fade into a natural shade. Special care is needed to keep you from picking any scabbing that may occur from the procedure. A perfecting session will be scheduled 4-6 weeks post initial treatment. This will “lock in” the pigment and address any strokes which may have lost pigment in the healing process. As the pigment is only inserted into the epidermis layer of skin, the color fades over time and yearly touch-ups are recommended to maintain your gorgeous brows.